Pinot, Pie, Camps, and Discount Fiddle Lessons!

It’s July! In the Pacific Northwest, that means gardens full of vegetables, raspberries and marionberries and blueberries, sunshine, clear skies galore, and lots of music.  Festival of American Fiddle Tunes starts today, the Waterfront Blues Festival is coming right up. What could be better?

Here in Fiddleville, July also means pinot, pie, camps, and special prices on private lessons.

On July 4th, I’m gigging with Marionberry Jam at the

Pinot and Pie on the 4th of July, an afternoon of old-time music, pie, and wine tasting at the beautiful Bethel Heights Winery just outside of Salem, OR.  Mmmmmmm!

Then it’s camp time!  I’m on staff at two camps here in Oregon:
the Wallowa Fiddle Tunes Camp out in Wallowa (July 7-12) and the West Cascades Fiddle Camp & Workshop down in Oakridge (July 22-25). There is still room at West Cascades, and it’s a steal of a deal, so check it out!

Here in Portland,  I’ll be offering discount lesson packages for the months of July and August. It’s a great way to invest in  your fiddle chops, polish up the tunes you love and/ or learn some new ones, at bargain rates.